It is with great pleasure that we can finally announce that Founder and Managing Director of Cognition & Co, Dylan Benyon, has been accepted to an accredited professional Masters degree in Counselling Psychology for 2022.
His journey has been more of an adventure, spanning more than a decade since he took his first Psychology module at university; the past 5 years he has spent applying for a professional Masters degree.
“The road has been long and fraught with more challenges than I had ever anticipated, but giving up was never an option for me. I have a responsibility to the students of South Africa, and soon I’ll have the qualifications and registration I need to effect real change.”
After being waitlisted for a Clinical Psychology Masters at the University of Pretoria in 2018, he created Cognition & Co as the South African Psychology Student Network, aimed at closing the gap between the students and professionals in the field of Psychology in South Africa.
“Cognition & Co has been my everything for the past three years. It’s given me a platform to advocate for mental health in South Africa, while supporting those that are the future of mental health; the students.”
“There has been such an incredible team of people around me throughout this journey, and I want to extend my sincerest gratitude to each and every one of them; they know who they are! I also want to thank the students for putting their trust in my vision and enabling Cognition & Co to become what it is now. This is only the beginning!”
Dylan will be attending the University of Pretoria next year as part of their Counselling Psychology cohort. Stay tuned to the Cognition & Co website and social media pages for more updates from Dylan. We look forward to sharing all new developments and initiatives with you over the coming months.
“Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being redirected to something better.” – Steve Maraboli