[C&C] 2024 Masters Applications Telegram Group

Cognition & Co welcomes any students and graduates that will be applying for a Masters degree in Psychology in the year of 2024, for the classes starting in 2025.

We endeavor to support the students through creating an interactive platform where applicants will have direct access to vital information regarding Masters applications, interviews, and selections.

The platform also helps students network in the field of Psychology by creating a space for students to meet and interact with one another, as well as with the Cognition & Co team.

If you are interested in joining our Telegram group, it is important that you respect the group rules, regulations, and etiquette;

  • Harassment of other members will not be tolerated.
  • No spamming or advertisements for other companies.
  • This group is for students studying further to register with the HPCSA.
  • Do not abuse the database; do not send unsolicited messages opportunities not related to Cognition & Co.
  • No solicitation; do not post links to other websites.
  • Keep messages clear and concise.
  • Posts should be in English only.
  • No profanity.
  • Maintain respect for all members and their views.
  • Do not share the invite links with MLM (Multi Level Marketing) companies.
  • Do not send private information (applications or autobiographies) to individuals in the group that you do not know.

This is a safe space to ask questions and gather information. This being said, should these rules be contravened, individuals will be removed and banned from the group. By clicking the link below, you are agreeing to the above rules and regulations. Individuals that do not abide by the group rules will be removed without warning.

Join the Cognition & Co 2023 Masters Applications Telegram Group

The Cognition & Co website is overflowing with information and resources for Psychology students, so we encourage students to use these resources where applicable. Many of the questions asked will have been answered on our FAQ page, as well as in our podcasts and other offerings.

Disclaimer: Being a part of one of these groups provides students to instantaneous access to information about selection invitations which can be overwhelming at times, especially if you have not received an invitation. We encourage students to monitor and adjust their viewing habits accordingly.

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